Research data deposited in the UBC Dataverse Collection is digitally preserved
Includes draft and restricted datasets
Does not include derivatives, thumbnails, etc. created by Dataverse
Downloads file from the storage, computes checksum, and compares with the value stored in a database
Ensures the ongoing integrity of files stored in the repository
All files are stored in the Ontario Library Research Cloud and backed up to IBM TSM tape nightly
Up to 7 versions of files are retained in backup for 30 days
Preservation-supporting functions in Dataverse:
File format identification using JHOVE
Transformation of tabular data formats into non-proprietary tabular text data files (.tab) upon ingest
Generation of UNFs (Universal Numeric Fingerprints) for tabular data files
Fixity remediation steps
Error in file(s) identified through monthly scan – Examples: Empty (0-byte) file, missing file, checksum does not match stored value
Compare with the copy in backup
If backup resolves the issue, replace the bad file(s) with good versions on the file system
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